Mom of WAR., Hear My Roar

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31 Life Lessons I've Learned In 31 Years

31 life lessons i've learned in 31 years

If I were to run into a 20-year-old version of myself, I probably wouldn't recognize myself. So many life lessons. My husband, my children, my education, my experiences... ALL of it... have molded me into the person I am today.

Turning 31 yesterday had me thinking a lot about my past year. From 30 to 31 was a big deal for me. A milestone was graduating with my Master's. I began a PhD program too.

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Over the course of the past year, I also did a lot of me work. To be totally honest, some of the work was agonizing, as growth can be painful sometimes. Kind of like a child's growing pains. A necessary evil.

Realizing how much I have grown as a wife, mother, friend, and individual, I wanted to acknowledge some of the life lessons I've learned along the way and share them with others.

I considered writing a little blurp under each life lesson about what it meant to me or how I applied it to my life, but I decided against it. They are self explanatory but can still have different meanings for different people. I wanted to leave them to self interpretation, so they can be applied adequately to your life too. There is no one size fits all mold in life, and these life lessons are no exception.

So here they are. Here are 31 life lessons I've learned...

31 Life Lessons I've Learned in 31 Years

  1. Be true to yourself. 
  2. Show up for your family every day. 
  3. Never stop trying to be a better version of yourself. 
  4. Ask for help when you need it. 
  5. Ask how you can help someone else. 
  6. Splurge on yourself every once in a while. 
  7. Laugh at yourself. 
  8. Live an active life. 
  9. Don't look back in anger.
  10. Don't react. Respond.
  11. A mistake does not define you. 
  12. Learn to adapt when your plan doesn't unfold according to plan. 
  13. Be silly.
  14. Enjoy every . single . moment with your kids. 
  15. Take too many pictures. 
  16. Always say "I love you."
  17. Work for your dreams. 
  18. Find your niche. 
  19. Foster a mindset of growth. 
  20. Support your friends. 
  21. Work for the future.
  22. Live in the present.
  23. What works for someone else might not work for you.
  24. Find a healthy outlet. 
  25. Confidence really is key.
  26. You are a reflection of the company you keep. 
  27. Somethings you just can't control.
  28. Recognize your strength.
  29. Take part in something creative.
  30. Learn to hear the hard stuff. 
  31. Slow down.

Add to the list in the comments! What life lessons have you learned?