Do you love to shop, but also love to save?! You’ve come to the right place. I’ll share the latest trends & hottest deals. But first, let’s get to know each other a bit…
I am a wife and mother first.
My husband (Jeremiah) and I went to school together in 6th and 7th grade, and then didn’t see each other again until one fateful night when we were 20. We’ve pretty much been together ever since. After having our two handsome little dudes, Wesley and William, we got married on April 30, 2016.
These three are my reason for everything, and it’s them who have led me to discover who I truly am as a human being.
In my posts you’ll often hear me refer to Jeremiah as “Dad,” Wesley as “Wes,” and William as '“Wheels.”
I am a Ph.D. student!
I had Wesley in April 2014, and graduated that December with my B.S. in Psychology. Soon after, I found out I was pregnant with Wheels and began an M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. After having Wheels, I was participating in mock counseling sessions and quickly realized my entire mental composition had crashed into emotions. I couldn’t separate my feelings from what others were sharing with me, and I realized, at this point in my life, I wasn’t cut out for counseling. So I began my M.S. in HR Management and graduated in 2018.
Even though I wasn’t cut out for counseling, I knew the psychology field was where I truly wanted to be. I’m either a glutton for punishment or addicted to school. Whatever the case, in April 2019, I began my Ph.D. in General Psychology. I’m in my third year now and just had my dissertation topic approved! Sticking with my passion, I will be working on a topic involving mothers and how their responses to situations affect her child’s responses to similar situations.
We own a small business.
Years ago, my husband started his moving company by completing furniture deliveries. It didn’t take long before he realized he had an unusual talent for the difficult job and began growing and expanding his services. Now, after 12 years, he has completed well over 1000 moves, local and long distance (even to England!), and he has ONLY 5-star reviews. He was also recently voted “Best of the Wiregrass 2021,” and it was the first year they introduced a moving company category. If you can’t tell, I’m so proud of him and the hard work he has put into his company. Me… I do the paperwork (even though he’s taken over most of that now), social media, website, and more. I’ve helped him pack over the years for clients who want a packing service with their move and have recently been promoted to overseeing all packing services.
My 20s were filled with constant change. Change in my environment, my attitude, my motivation, and myself. My 20s were filled with so many ups and downs. There were extreme highs, as we had our babies, bought our first house, and got married. There were also extreme lows as I came to accept my own insecurities and discovered I didn’t know half of what I thought I knew about life.
Now, I consider my life… perfect. It could even be considered a cliche. But, I didn’t get here the cliche way.
I don’t have parents supporting me. In fact, they haven’t been in my life since my early 20s. At the time, I didn’t have a good group of friends to confide in, and there were many times I felt alone. Changes hit me like a ton of bricks, and I faced some hard realities as I looked at myself. It was definitely a process. Through the process, I realized I wasn’t alone. My husband was always my number one supporter, even when he was showering me with tough love. True friendship took on a new meaning for me, as I found my circle. I came to an understanding that I will always be learning and growing, and that’s okay. Through the process, I met myself; I discovered who Mallory is.
Mallory is a dedicated wife, loving mother, and believer in life-time learning. Her life is full of love, family, and inspiration. She is never alone.
This concept doesn’t have to apply to only huge aspects of life, but even the small daily details. Wherever you are mama, you are not alone. It is my hope to create a beautiful community of moms who are willing to share, laugh, and learn together.