Mom of WAR., Hear My Roar

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Funny Things My Kids Have Done... This Week! Vol 10

Every year we go to the fireworks show in Headland. It's always a great show, but this year, they outdid themselves! The finale was spectacular!On the way to our fireworks show last week, I was talking to the boys and telling them how excited I was to see the fireworks. Getting more and more excited as we talked about it Wesley decided...Wesley: I want to be a firework!Me and Jeremiah just looked at each other with a strange look on our face, shrugged, and rolled with it!Me: Well, what color firework would you be?!Wesley decided he wanted to be a green, gold, and silver firework. William wants to be rainbow. IMG_0265Sunday, we had a get together at one of my BFF's house. After too many chips and dip, we had hamburgers and hot dogs, cold drinks, and popsicles for the kiddos.The kids played outside and inside and back outside and back inside. It's rare that we have them all in the same place at the same time. So it was nice to see them all playing together and enjoying it so much.We definitely do not do these often enough! What a great time!
Don't forget to check out the last Funny Things post!