Thanksgiving | Tasks to Complete the Week Before

Can you believe it's already the third week of November? You've probably already started thinking about your Thanksgiving menu or side dishes you want to take to a family member's house.

Mom of WAR- Thanksgiving decor

As moms, we have a never-ending to-do list. While the holidays are an amazing time to spend with family and friends, it's just one more thing for busy moms to add to their list.

Isn't it so stressful when you remember something you need to do the night before and panic to get it done? By planning ahead, hopefully, we can prevent that!

Think about getting some things done the week before Thanksgiving, so the week of isn't as stressful for you. Here's a list of some tasks you can complete the week before...

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5 Tasks to Complete the Week Before Thanksgiving

Clean Out the Fridge

Go ahead and clean out the fridge. Don't wait until you've gone grocery shopping and are trying to squeeze in 2x your normal amount of groceries. Clean out any to-go boxes, leftovers, or past date items. You'll be glad you did when you come home with all those Thanksgiving groceries!

Make a List

I used to be able to go to the grocery store without a list. I just remembered everything. Now, it is inevitable that I forget multiple things if I don't have a list. With everything we have to get done and kids in tow, it's fairly certain we are going to get distracted. Make a list to help you stay on track and prevent having to make a second trip to the store!

I made something for you!

Printable Grocery List

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Above you can get a free grocery list printable. I even added categories (produce, meat, dairy, etc.) to make shopping the grocery store aisles even easier!

While making your list, keep in mind any family or friends who have food allergies. Click here to find some tips for preparing food for those with food allergies.

Go Grocery Shopping

Try not to wait until the week of Thanksgiving to go grocery shopping. It is going to be packed! Instead, go mid- to late week the week before.

Mom of WAR- Grocery Store

Take the Turkey Out of the Freezer

The turkey takes a while to thaw... typically 3 to 4 days: Remember: every 4 pounds of turkey equals 1 (full) day of thaw time. If your turkey thaws before it is time to cook, it is perfectly fine to keep it in the fridge for a few days.


Make sure you are talking to your family and friends that will be attending Thanksgiving with you. Find out what they are bringing, so you can adjust your menu accordingly.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

If you've completed the whole Thanksgiving menu in the past, but you just don't have the time this year, ask for family and friends to bring a dish or two.

I'm not super talented in the kitchen, but I follow a recipe like a champ! I stumbled upon a cornbread mix that my entire family loves. It just happens to be gluten-free, which didn't matter for my family, but was definitely a plus! Krusteaz Gluten Free Honey Cornbread Mix is easy to make and tastes ah-mazing. Our boys didn't even like cornbread. After a debate, I talked them into trying this cornbread. They wouldn't stop asking for more! I seriously buy a box every time I go to the grocery store! Click this link to try it.

Goal Setting for Busy Moms


Food Allergies | Preparing for the Holidays