Funny Things My Kids Have Done... This Week! Vol. 6
Whenever Dad goes out of town to work, he usually brings the boys a little something home. This past week, they got real, old-school rubber band guns! Finally, I decided to show these guys that mommy knows her way around a rubber band gun. Instead of loading 4 rubber bands, I kept cocking it to add more and more, until the spindle was full.William looked at me in amazement and said, "Mommy, you are the best mommy I've ever had."I'm also the only mommy he has ever had...Being serious, it was a very sweet moment.
Before bed one night the boys were "starving." We've been a little lax on bedtimes and other typical rules because we are all excited for summer break, which we've made it to now! So, I let the boys have cereal before bed. Wheels is a silly kid. He asked if he could drink water out of a bowl. So, of course, he wanted his cereal in a cup. Wesley decided he wanted the same! Cool kids, I tell ya.
Yes... William is wearing Christmas PJs. He made me wear my matching ones too. I pinky promised I would last time he wore them.This week was the last day of K4 for William and the last day of Kindergarten for Wesley! I didn't have time to take last day of school pics, so I handed them my phone in the car and told them to take pictures of themselves.... here are those selfies...

Check out last week's funnies right HERE!Below are some pics from our week! We celebrated Pop Pop's 83rd birthday.