Funny Things My Kids Have Done... This Week! Vol. 7

Guys, these boys are so much fun! They love to explore, try new things and be silly. There personalities are BIG, and I love it.This past weekend, we went camping!!! It was HOT HOT HOT, but a lot of fun! The boys caught their first fishes completely on their own from beginning to end. Very cool.We have a small fishing boat. With three kids and two adults on the boat, things got a little hectic. In the middle of the chaos and complaining Wesley let everyone know energetically: "This is my best time I've ever had!"Perspective, you know?I'm so glad he enjoyed it so much!IMG_0310This week, the boys have been at VBS. After the first day, we received a card letting us know items we could bring each day and which charities they would be given to. We were talking about the next day's items: diapers, wipes, or baby blankets.William informed us that we were to bring the items, and "they would sell them to babies."IMG_0311FYI, they did not sell the items to babies.So, last night me and the boys are in the bathroom. Wesley was taking a bath. I was peeing, and William was playing with Wesley, even though he knows he's supposed to leave him alone during bath time. #momlifeThey were seeing which toys would float and which would sink. William brilliantly turns his hiney towards the water, poots, and proudly states, "Let's see if my poot can float!" #boymomIMG_0031These boys have had a great time enjoying summer. Now, we've planned a weekend beach trip for William's birthday next month! I can't wait to write about the trip and share pictures. We typically do a bouncey house/water slide at the house and cook way too much food, but this year our backyard is under construction!Don't forget to check back and see the funny and silly things the Richardson boys do next week!You can read the last Funny Things post HERE!  

5 Ways Working Moms Can Give Their Kids A Magical Summer


Funny Things My Kids Have Done... This Week! Vol. 6