Hilarious Quotes that Perfectly Describe the Art of Raising Boys

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My husband and I have two boys. When people ask when we are going to try for a girl, our answer is pretty simple. “We aren’t. It would be another boy!” Whether you have one boy or many, you know the comical struggles of raising boys.

I used to believe I wanted at least one boy and one girl. The best of both worlds, ya know? After raising boys for 8 years, I’ve come to firmly believe that I am a boy mom through and through.

I wouldn’t know what to do with a girl. “What is this strange creature??”

Although raising boys and girls may be completely different, from my experience, there are a few misconceptions about raising boys

Misconceptions About Raising Boys

  1. Boys aren’t as emotional. FALSE!

    Little boys are filled with emotion, especially as they are learning to sort through how they are feeling in certain situations. Sometimes it comes out as tears, anger, frustration, or just confusion.

    It may translate differently than it would for a little girl, but the emotion is definitely there.

  2. Boys are less drama. FALSE!

    Drama for little boys may include tattling, bragging, egging someone on, a meltdown or emotional crisis, or egging someone on. Either way, raising little boys is filled with drama!

  3. Boys don’t care about the way they look. FALSE!

    It doesn’t take long for little boys to learn the “coolest” brands and care about what they wear. They may not have much of a fashion sense, but they do care about what they look like, and they do have their own style!

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Although parenting is serious business, there are so many times we have to take a step back and laugh at ourselves and the situations we face.

I’m going to help you find some humor today with these quotes from other great bloggers and influencers about the art of raising little boys!

Hilarious Quotes that Perfectly Describe the Art of Raising Boys

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Raising Boys

Raising little boys is a special experience. They love their mamas more than anything, yet they know how to aggravate us at our deepest level!

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